Pictured (L-R): Ritesh Ratiram LF2017 & LF Community Fund Committee Member, Sharyne Fong LF2005 & LF Executive Director, H.E New Zealand High Commissioner Mr Jonathan Curr, Brother Jim Madhavan Principal Montfort Boys Town and William Parkinson Chairperson Leadership Fiji.

Pictured (L-R): Ritesh Ratiram LF2017 & LF Community Fund Committee Member, Sharyne Fong LF2005 & LF Executive Director, H.E New Zealand High Commissioner Mr Jonathan Curr, Brother Jim Madhavan Principal Montfort Boys Town and William Parkinson Chairperson Leadership Fiji.

“This is a dream come true for the Boys Town” said Monfort Boys Town Principal Brother Jim Madhavan. “We desperately need a tractor and plough so we can develop our farm and meet the growing needs of our community”.

Brother Jim received the keys to the tractor from New Zealand High Commissioner Jonathan Curr at a small ceremony at the Car City Showroom in Nabua today.

Leadership Fiji Community Fund’s inaugural Chairperson, Mr. Rajesh Patel (LF 2002) said that they set about raising funds for the tractor last year following a visit to Montfort Boys Town by participants in last year’s Leadership Fiji program.

“When talking to last year’s Leadership Fiji participants at their site visit of the Montfort Boys Town, Brother Jim 
highlighted the challenges of developing their farm, and the main one was the need for a tractor and ploughing equipment”, said Mr Patel.

“The LF Community Fund was recently established by Leadership Fiji as a means by which the Leadership Fiji Alumni can continue their service to Fiji.

We saw this as an excellent FIRST activity for the Fund”, added Mr Patel.

The LF Community Fund raised just under $40,000.00 thanks to donations from a number of individual donors and organisations.

We would especially like to thank the New Zealand High Commission who donated $9,800.00 to the project.

Special thanks also go to Car City, the Fiji Times and Fiji Sixes, Young and Associates, Tara & Hari Punja Foundation and other private donors who contributed the balance of the funds.