Since moving into their new office space in December last year, Leadership Fiji is looking forward to another Productive and Fulfilling 2019.

Executive Director-Sharyne Fong says they are so excited and relieved to finally have an office space of their own after 17 years of their Establishment.

“We do appreciate ANZ support and sponsorship towards the Leadership Fiji program since its inception you’ve always been a great supporter of us. We do appreciate all of that. This home is just the start of of a Launch to a new era of the Leadership Fiji Program, where we plan to upscale the program this year, eventually leading up to a leadership institute”

And with the continuous support of organizations like ANZ Fiji. who have been sponsoring the Program since its establishment in 2002 will continue to do so in years to come.

ANZ Fiji-Country Head-Saud Minam says:

“The organization has produced some dynamic leaders who are serving the community at some of the largest institution today in Fiji, and we will continue to put  our money and effort in the right place to create the next lot of leaders for the program”

The leadership program is geared towards Professional, Personal and Community Development.

Since its inception the Leadership Fiji Program has had more than 400 Graduates go through its 9 month Program.

This year leadership Fiji have a total number of 30 participants from dynamic backgrounds.

As Platinum Sponsors, their contribution of fifteen thousand dollars will go towards funding the next Leadership Fiji 2019 program.

Source: FijiTV