Program Objectives

Leadership Fiji fosters the development and enhancement of the quality of leaders in Fiji by:

  • Allowing members to explore their own values, philosophies, prejudices and beliefs through opportunities offered by the program.
  • Canvassing a variety of issues, which are chosen from the recommendation of those running the program as well as those who will participate in the program.
  • Giving program members close interaction with Fiji Island leaders in fields such as business, environment, the welfare sector, unions, sports, agriculture and tourism to name a few.
  • Encouraging extended interchange throughout the year and beyond, between members of the program.
  • Ensuring discussion confidentiality by insistence on “Chatham House” rules, i.e. nothing attributable outside the room.
Program Structure

Leadership Fiji is a program of events and activities from March-November. These events and activities are designed to enable participants to discuss and debate issues among themselves and with invited speakers who demonstrate leadership skills and characteristics. Participants meet fortnightly at either a day session and there are also overnight sessions which will also include site visits around thematic issues.

The content focus of sessions and site visits are issues based and relevant to the current environment. These include: Exploring Leadership, Historical Overview of Fiji, Examining Major Industries such as Media, Tourism & Sugar, Human Rights, Law & Order, Social and Economic issues such as the Environment, Poverty & Social Welfare, Health & Education. As a conclusion to the year’s activities Leadership Fiji participants are required to draft and present a manifesto detailing their vision for Fiji and strategies aimed at achieving that vision.


The Leadership Fiji Management Board would like to acknowledge the efforts of all the presenters who gave of their time to address the participants during the various sessions. Their contribution to the program has been invaluable and without their support, the program would not have achieved the obvious success it has.

During the year, a number of organizations assisted by providing facilities and other services. The Board would like to extend its appreciation to all those friends of the program listed below:


Bank South Pacific

BSP Life

Westpac Banking Corporation

Reserve Bank of Fiji

Pacific Leadership Program

Communications Fiji Limited

Fiji TV

The Fiji Times

Fiji Broadcasting Corporation

Williams & Goslings Limited

Flour Mills of Fiji

British American Tobacco

Fiji Corrections Service

Mark One Apparel

Vunikoka Farm

Government Agricultural Research Station

People’s Community Network

Hilton Special School

Koroipita Community, Lautoka

Tavua Town Council

Punjas Limited


Vatukoula Gold Mine Limited

Holiday Inn Suva

Port Denarau Marina

Lagoon Resort, Pacific Harbor

Wyndham Resort, Denarau

Grace Road

Stoney Creek

FSC Lautoka Sugar Mill

The Pearl Resort, Pacific Harbor

East West Centre of Hawaii

Centre for Approved Technology & Development, Nadave

Leleuvia Island Resort

The Board would also like to acknowledge the support from the spouses and families of all the executives and participants of Leadership Fiji as well as the unwavering support from the Leadership Fiji Alumni Executive Committee and alumni members.

Selection Criteria

  • Through an application process, participants are chosen by a selection panel and are expected to pay a fee, of which 75% is contributed by the sponsor, and 25% by the participant.
  • Participants are chosen because they have demonstrated a capacity for leadership in their areas of expertise.
  • They must be prepared to commit fully to the year’s program of seminars, field trips and workshops.
  • Graduates of the program will be expected to increase their involvement in community affairs.
  • During the program they will be expected to explore their own values, philosophies, prejudices and beliefs and canvass a variety of issues which focus on the next ten years.
  • It is desirable that candidates are able to demonstrate a record of civic activity and/or expressed genuine interest in becoming more involved in the community.

How to Apply

To be part of the program, potential participants are required to fill out an application form ensuring that they have their employer’s support. Application forms are available early September with the closing date towards the end of November. A selection of applicants will then be interviewed late January to early February. The program commences early March each year.